Sunday, July 1, 2007

Reason # 2 - Independence

I've realized I haven't provided enough practical information... what I mean to say is I want to back up a bit.

I've been infatuated by the web since 2001. Actually I discovered the web when, after my Mom passed away in November, 2000, I got online and began searching sites related to death, grieving, living through loss, etc.

I still remember one woman I connected with, via her website. At that point in time she was suffering from multiple health problems - which I now can't remember very specifically what they were - and her own death was imminent. It was freakin' sad. I emailed her and we got to talking about her life and her job in the music industry. She was involved in promotions and had met/worked with top acts like the Eagles, Marshall Tucker Band, etc.

Sorry, have to reel myself back in.... anyway, the web connected me with so many people and resources and info, I was majorly hooked. I must say, I'm glad to be alive in the 21st century... there is much GOOD about technology. Technology in itself would be a topic I could chat about for centuries. Jeepers, I'm sidetracking again.

Anyway, back to reason no. 2. Reason # 2 has to do with the fact that, I've always been the person that goes ahead and does everything. I'm generally impatient, and have lots of energy. When I'm stuck working in a group, I find myself becoming annoyed often because of the pace. Often with jobs I've had, unfortunately, the organization has delineated everything ahead of time, I mean specific tasks and responsibilities. Depending on the organization, this makes sense if it is a large bureaucracy where all the teeny tiny parts have to come together like a symphony. But it doesn't make sense in smaller companies.

I've also come to learn that companies are like people. Each one is unique in some way. Each company can be healthier or not-so-healthy. It's actually pretty fascinating from an objective, sociological viewpoint. But not from the perspective of the 'daily grind' and needing that steady paycheck.

I'm looking...looking, and did I say I'm looking? for ... the best fit for ME. Being a 'freelancer' seems to offer independence, meaning I'm as busy as I determine that I want to be. On the down side, I'm still working for someone...the client.

This has turned into a bit of a rambling again. But I've decided - taking my cue from Stuart Smalley ['I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!', which is a riot, definitely buy it!] to just keep going forward.

In actuality, I'm toying with setting up my own Blog, as a sort of Roving Reporter of the lesbian variety.

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