Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Reason # 3 - Information Nut

I am an information geek... I suck it all in like an industrial-strength Hoover vacuum cleaner. It's a good thing I live only 7 blocks away from a really great library. The reference librarians and clerks must think I'm nuts, that I must be some unemployed nerd (which actually IS true as a matter of fact), 'cuz I'm there all the time. It's kinda funny, as a super-regular patron, you get to know them pretty well, know which ones are generally grumpy all the time, which ones are friendly, stuff like that.... :)

So back to Reason #3 ... I love researching and analyzing. At UW-Milwaukee I majored in History. I wrote a rsearch paper on the Little Rock desegregation 'Event' which happened in 1957, in which President Eisenhauer was forced to utilize the National Guard so that 9 black kids could enter the doorways of Little Rock Central High School (here's a Wikipedia entry).

For background I read personal accounts Virgil Blossom, School Superintendent and Daisy Bates, President of the Little Rock NAACP who registered the kids and helped them. Of course I also perused the anti-segregationists' stuff.

Blogging is a form of Journalism. No doubt about it! Blogging would fulfill that part of me that always wanted to go into Journalism. Why I DIDN'T major in Journalism is a whole 'nother topic. In any case, this new 'social media' fascinates me and I believe it will be a new pathway for cash flow.

I'm using Angela Booth's eBook 'Blogging for Dollars' as my guide. I purchased it for $97, printed it out and now it's setting here next to me at my desk. She lays it all out very simply. The first step is ... start blogging! And so that's why I went to Blogger.com. It's amazingly simple, although I ran into a glitch a few days ago and I'm still not sure how I found my way out of it.

I'm also utilizing my local library of course! I've checked out 'Blogging for Dummies', 'Blog' (by Hugh Hewitt), and purchased 'Clear Blogging' Since I am not working at a regular day job (I'm eking it out on my last bit of savings) I use the hours to soak up as much knowledge as I can. And, post to this blog, research other blogs, and then read some more. In the background I'm developing ideas for the kind of Blog I'd like to publish. Again Booth's eBook has helpful reports which came with the book.

So Blogging, as a form of Journalism, offers tons of intellectual stimulation and immediacy. Hmm, wouldn't I rather be sitting in a cubicle numbing my mind with soul-deadening, production-oriented tasks?

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